Makedo is a series of safe cardboard construction tools and screws purposely designed for kids to imagine and build the world they want to see.
Offering a full collection of How to videos, Starter Guides, STEAM Challenges, and Subject-Aligned Activities to propel your imagination.
To complement the Makedo cardboard construction system we have developed a library of Makedo compatible parts for you to freely download and 3D print.
Makedo is a series of safe cardboard construction tools and screws purposely designed for kids to imagine and build the world they want to see.
Offering a full collection of How to videos, Starter Guides, STEAM Challenges, and Subject-Aligned Activities to propel your imagination.
To complement the Makedo cardboard construction system we have developed a library of Makedo compatible parts for you to freely download and 3D print.
Suitable for classrooms, libraries, workshops, birthday parties, maker spaces, design studios and delightfully ambitious home projects (like the biggest cardboard fort... ever), this large kit will ignite the creative genius in all who use it.