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I decided to challenge myself by making a laser cut bird house with interlocking slots. The first step was to design the different panels in Beam Studio and came up with the measurements:
You can customize the front piece to have any size entryway you would like. I also put a circle so I could attach a wooden dowel to act as a perch for the bird house. If you are looking for a bigger bird house, you can customize the dimensions to your liking.
Once I designed all the pieces, I sent the cut to the Flux HEXA laser cutter. When it finished cutting, I set out all of the pieces to make sure the alignment was okay.
The next step was to hot glue the pieces for extra support. I started off just gluing three pieces to make sure it was oriented correctly. Then I added the two other sides to complete the box. I glued the two roof pieces together separate from the box to make sure it is set correctly.
Before I glue the roof on to the box, I grabbed my wooden dowel and sawed it to the length I wanted. I carved the one end of the wooden dowel to be slightly smaller so it would fit in the designated spot. Once it fit, I added some glue to make sure it wouldn’t move and then glued the roof onto the box. Now you have a complete bird house!